

I'm rediscovering wonderful treasures as I sort through old files. I came across a poem my oldest daughter wrote for LTC when she was just 11 years old.

The Unstoppable Church

The foundation of my faith is not on the drifting sand;

It is anchored on the rock on which Peter did stand

Boldly proclaiming the message of Christ;

How He lived, how He died and now He is alive!

When the people heard this message their hearts were pricked;

They had crucified the Son of God which made them feel sick.

Convinced that the story Peter told them was true,

They cried out and asked, "Brothers, what shall we do?"

Repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins,

Obedience to the gospel is on what salvation depends.

Three thousand responded to the message that day

Receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit and accepting Christ as the way.

Still to this day the same message is powerful and clear;

I believe it and obeyed it and became a Christian last year. 

Written by Jessica DuPree 2007 at age 11


Here Am I


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