Revamped Worksheets
We've found it helpful to have an independent activity for early arrivals, as described in our original post here. After moving into our new building, we updated and revamped all of our worksheets and storage methods. We changed the size from 11x17 paper to 8.5x11 cardstock for easier storage and used a puzzle book from our resource room for most of the worksheets. I also wanted to categorize and color code them by topic for easier organization:
Pastel = General Bible (Books of the Bible, etc.)
Yellow = Creation - Joshua
Orange = Judges - Malachi
Lime Green = Gospels
Blue = Acts
Hot Pink = Letters - Revelation
This system makes it much easier to find specific worksheets. For example, if we want to review Acts, we can just flip to the blue section of my notebook. We can also expand our collection into multiple notebooks, eventually having one for each color. We love having things organized by color!
Each colored worksheet is slipped into a sheet protector with the "original" copy behind it, labeled with a yellow highlighter in the upper right corner. This system makes filing the colored worksheet cards easy and allows us to quickly flip through the notebook to check for missing worksheets. Keeping the original behind the colored sheet also allows us to make additional copies for other Bible class teachers or myself if the originals become worn.
On the back side of the same page protector, we have a completed answer key. This allows us to check the biblical accuracy of the worksheet and determine if it is too easy/difficult for our age group. You may also notice additional papers paper-clipped in the front pocket of the notebook. This is where I file "worksheets to be made."
All worksheets are stored in a notebook labeled with an editable binder cover. We continue to laminate the worksheets, making them reusable for many years to come. The students write on them with vis-a-vis pens and the worksheets are wiped clean with a damp paper towel or baby wipe after each class.
Below shows the worksheets that are put out for early arriving students. Our Bible class begins at 9:30 a.m., and I take these up promptly at 9:35. Some of our latecomers have even complained that they never get to complete one! This provides great motivation for the students to remind their parents to get them to class a few minutes earlier.
What early arrival activities do you offer for Bible class? We'd love to hear your ideas!